Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The great Indian Television Resurgence

For years I have followed Hindi and English television channels, and have been dismayed at the appalling difference in quality between the two. I am here talking just of comedies and how the Indian ones are dismally inferior to their American or even British counterparts.
However, the cloud seems to have lifted, finally.
Star One, a Hindi channel, features a popular show by the name "Sarabhai v/s sarabhai". The show is about an upper class family, residing in the Malabar hills of Mumbai. What strikes you most about the show, is the distinct and vivid characterization. There is Maya, played by the rock solid performer Ratna pathak, Indravadhan, her husband, a retired man, played by the experienced Satish shah.
The show revolves around the family, Maya and indravadhan and their three children - Sahil, Roshesh and soniya, the leitmotif, and probably the USP being the clash of the sophisticated Maya and sahil's wife, Monisha, who hails from a middle class family in punjab. Although her mannerisms are crude and unpolished, the honesty in her character is affable.Perhaps the very reason that Sahil married her in the first place.
But the story can go on. The question is, why should you watch this? Its simple really. Its a very well written, well thought of concept that has been flawlessly renditioned by the artists. It is in every sense a very Indian Comedy, relying solely on characterization. In short, it is brilliant.
The other comedy that should not be missed is "Office Office".
The show deals with the hassles of the common man at the various government offices. Every episode parodies a typical government institution- the post office, the bill payment offices etc. The characters are essayed by Indian Television's most prominent actors,and they live up to the order. What stands out again is the vivid characterization, and the near flawless stalwart performance by the dazzling pankaj kapoor, in the many different roles he dons.
For years we have clamored that the Indian television standards are shambolic. But these shows, amongst many others, believe you me, are now changing the waves. There is quality on Indian Television, and you would be the one losing out if you aren't awake to catch it.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Tempted to be fooled

Actors don't have a face.

Osh: smith... Dr. Krauss ... Richard... Manas... Conroy ...
ash: yes.
Osh: Who's your favorite?
ash: Its like asking a mother to choose from amongst her children.
Osh: And she does... she just doesn't tell you.
ash: yes
Osh: All of us have a favourite.
ash: yes.
Osh: So many people in you.
ash: Some were alike.
Osh: You are the superset.. the universal set.
ash: I am their union.
Osh: Who are you right now?
ash: myself.
Osh: Rubbish.
ash: I am myself.
Osh: Thank god for similarities.
ash: Thank God.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Through the crevice.

Finding one's sexuality is so fascinating. We are so primitive.

ash: people change as they grow up
Osh: they do
ash: is it fair
Osh: where is your question mark
ash: where is yours
Osh: I could see it on his face
ash: that he was sexual
Osh: where is your question mark
ash: where is yours
Osh: yes. sexual. and he was an academic in school
ash: does everyone become like that
Osh: where is... nevermind.
Osh: Cosmetics are magentic. we are really fucking cosmetics and not the person.
Osh: can you see me?
Osh: I could see him.
Osh: There was a crevice.

Too much and too little

Is there too much in the wrong hands or do the hands get dirty after getting too much?

Osh: Where have you put your soul ash?
Ash: I have a face.
Osh: yes.
Ash: so why ask for my soul?
Osh: I haven't seen it in a while.
Ash: Why don't you fuck me?
Osh: i don't like your face.
Ash: but thats what you're suppose to do.
Osh: call me when you have your soul back. love you.