Friday, September 14, 2007

Tempted to be fooled

Actors don't have a face.

Osh: smith... Dr. Krauss ... Richard... Manas... Conroy ...
ash: yes.
Osh: Who's your favorite?
ash: Its like asking a mother to choose from amongst her children.
Osh: And she does... she just doesn't tell you.
ash: yes
Osh: All of us have a favourite.
ash: yes.
Osh: So many people in you.
ash: Some were alike.
Osh: You are the superset.. the universal set.
ash: I am their union.
Osh: Who are you right now?
ash: myself.
Osh: Rubbish.
ash: I am myself.
Osh: Thank god for similarities.
ash: Thank God.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Through the crevice.

Finding one's sexuality is so fascinating. We are so primitive.

ash: people change as they grow up
Osh: they do
ash: is it fair
Osh: where is your question mark
ash: where is yours
Osh: I could see it on his face
ash: that he was sexual
Osh: where is your question mark
ash: where is yours
Osh: yes. sexual. and he was an academic in school
ash: does everyone become like that
Osh: where is... nevermind.
Osh: Cosmetics are magentic. we are really fucking cosmetics and not the person.
Osh: can you see me?
Osh: I could see him.
Osh: There was a crevice.

Too much and too little

Is there too much in the wrong hands or do the hands get dirty after getting too much?

Osh: Where have you put your soul ash?
Ash: I have a face.
Osh: yes.
Ash: so why ask for my soul?
Osh: I haven't seen it in a while.
Ash: Why don't you fuck me?
Osh: i don't like your face.
Ash: but thats what you're suppose to do.
Osh: call me when you have your soul back. love you.